Payout Scene | Payout Type | Purpose | RoutingType | Support Transaction Mode |
B2B | Business Payout | • Goods payment: Trade payments to company
• Service payment: eg. translation … | bank | cnyMode、crossMode、originalMode |
B2C | Business Payout | • Goods payment: Trade payments to individual
• Service payment: eg. translation … | bank | cnyMode、crossMode |
Fields | Fields (English) | Fields (Chinese) | Description | Example |
orderNo | Merchant Order No | 商户订单编号 | 必填 Required | |
targetCurrency | Target Currency | 收款币种 | 必填 Required | CNY |
targetAmount | Target Amount | 收款金额 | 必填 Required | 44,600.00 |
paymentType | Payment Type | 款项性质 | 必填 Required
- 预付款 DepositPayment,
- 全款 FullPayment,
- 尾款 FinalPayment
- 其他款项 Other | FullPayment |
logisticsCompany | Logistics Company | 物流公司 | 非必填 Optional
- 当款项性质非预付款时,需要提供物流公司名称;多个物流公司时,使用 | 分隔。
- When the type of the payment is not a DepositPayment , the name of the logistics company must be provided; if there are multiple logistics companies, separate them with |. | ups|china-ems |
logisticsNumber | Logistics Number | 物流单号 | 非必填 Optional
- 当款项性质非预付款时,需要提供物流单号;多个物流公司时,使用 | 分隔。
- When the nature of the payment is not a DepositPayment , the logistics tracking number must be provided; if there are multiple logistics companies, separate them with |. | 3520931234|993050979478 |
payer → fullName | Payer Company Name | 付款企业名称 | 必填 Required | DE***AN |
payer → accountInfo → number | Payer Company Bank Account No | 付款企业银行账号 | 非必填 Optional | 125***1849 |
beneficiary → fullName | Payee Company Name (Chinese) | 收款企业名称(中文) | 必填 Required
- 填写企业中文名称,请提供完整的工商登记企业中文名称。
- When filling out the Chinese name of the company, please provide the complete Chinese name as registered in business registration. | 深圳市腾***有限公司 |
beneficiary → accountInfo → name | Payee Bank Account Name(Chinese) | 收款账户名称(中文) | 必填 Required
- 如果收款账户类型为企业时,户名与收款企业名称保持一致;如果收款账户类型为个人时,填写个人收款银行账户名称。
- If the type of the receiving account is a company, the account name must match the receiving company’s name; if it is an individual, fill in the name of the individual's bank account. | 深圳市腾***有限公司 |
beneficiary → accountInfo → number | Payee Bank Account No | 收款银行账号 | 必填 Required
- 如果收款账户类型为企业时,填写企业同名收款账号;如果收款账户类型为个人收款时,填写个人同名收款银行卡号。
- If the type of the receiving account is a company, fill in the company's same-name bank account; if it is an individual, fill in the individual's same-name bank card number. | 622**********850 |
beneficiary → accountInfo → bankName | Payee Bank Name | 收款银行开户行 | 非必填 Optional
- 如果收款账户类型为企业同名收款账户时,此项必填收款银行开户行,开户行信息具体到支行。
- If the type of the receiving account is a company same-name account, it is mandatory to fill in the bank and branch where the account was opened. | 上海工商***支行 |
beneficiary → idNumber | Payee Chinese ID Card No | 收款人证件号码 | 非必填 Optional
- 如果收款账户类型为个人收款时,此项必填收款人大陆居民身份证件。
- If the type of the receiving account is for an individual, it is mandatory to provide the identity document of the payee who is a mainland resident. | 440******1234 |